Wednesday, 16 June 2021

📣 Shout out for Buskers!

The inimitable Sam Slide (pic credit Ian J Parkes)

Forget Euro 2020 the real countdown to this summer's highlight has just started! Its under four weeks till the Buxton Fringe Festival kicks off.

This year there are a few changes; the Fringe desk is on the move and Fringe@5 has had a make over -  its become Fringe 10 to 5!

This means we will be hosting a busking spot on the promenade in Pavilion Gardens between  (yes you guessed it) 10 to 5. 

At last I have the chance to showcase my talents! My Mum once told me I sing like a frog but who listens to their Mum? 

But what should I do? I'd dance but I have two left feet, timing is not my strong point so telling gags is out, I know music!,  but to be honest I'm tone deaf so playing or singing are also out (maybe Mum had a point after all). 

OK time for a rethink. 

Calling all our performers and local artists, musicians and buskers, we really really need you.

Come and sign up for a slot at the Fringe Information Desk, now in the Pavilion Gardens conservatory just before the restaurant, between 7th and 25th July. Feel free to bring your hat for donations but please leave the heavy duty amplifiers at home.

You'll be helping us celebrate as well as saving local people and visitors from a fate worse than death, yes unfortunately that's me I mean!

Carole Garner

Buxton Fringe

Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe
Instagram: @buxtonfringe

Monday, 7 June 2021


haywire Theatre will bring Adam Barnard’s wonderfully morbid play, Buckets, to this year’s Buxton Fringe Festival, to be performed at the High Peak Bookstore & Cafe on the 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th of July, doors opening at 7:30pm. 

buckets is a story about why you shouldn’t go skydiving with your hamster. It is a story about video games. About how to pull off a successful mugging. About how to tell someone you love them, and how to make sure they say it back. But mostly, buckets is a show about the weight we have on one another's lives, and the world we leave behind once we’re gone.

Making their festival debut with Adam Barnard’s 2015 play, haywire will take audiences on a journey of loss, affection, laughter and absurdity through thirty-three intertwined scenes. Some connected, others stand alone, but all attempt to answer, in their own way, the thoroughly unanswerable question: what do you do with your time if you know your time is running out?

Building on the success of haywire’s digital season, which was described as “Powerful” and “Brilliant”, the amateur production (by arrangement with Nick Hern Books) will be an excitable dance through the highs and lows of everyday life, reminding audiences of the simple joy of connection and the weight we have each other’s lives. 

Director: Liv Clarke

Producer/Designer: Lucy Haslingden 

Cast: Lisa Jayne, Will Griffiths, Lucy Haslingden

All tickets available through the Buxton Opera House ( , £10 standard, £8 commission, as part of the 2021 Buxton Fringe Festival. For more details visit, or head to @haywiretheatre on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Buxton Fringe

Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe
Instagram: @buxtonfringe