Tuesday 25 February 2014

Fringe At Five - great busking opp

The Buxton Festival has for a couple of years had A Song At Six as part of its programme - typically a singer or two will sing a song or two for anyone who happens to be around the Bandstand in the Pavilion Gardens. So agreeable is this idea that it was suggested that maybe the Fringe could do something similar prior to A Song At Six. The simple idea of Fringe At Five was born.

What will happen is this: from Monday 14 July to Saturday 26 July from 5.00-5.30pm, Fringe performers will be invited to play for free by or on the Bandstand. This can't be complete anarchy with anyone turning up and contesting for time and space. [I doubt if it can even be partial anarchy - whatever that might look like]. Any performer/artist who has entered for Fringe 2014 can perform but we'll be agreeing a timetable/schedule in advance.

Busking at the Bandstand - for that is what it will be in essence - will probably work best for something fairly physical. Singers, musicians, dancers will be at a natural advantage (but please note no PA will be available - so sing up). That said there is no reason why a bit of drama or magic actually on the Bandstand should not work - make sure to invite the audience to join you and see you close-up.

The 25 or so Fringe entrants to date may apply now for a performance slot in Fringe At Five. So make the most of being organised and entered on time and get a bit of free exposure for your show at a prime venue. When we've agreed the Fringe At Five programme we'll post it on the Blog and via Facebook. We'll also have the programme at the Fringe information desk so that audiences will know what they will be able to see and hear.

Look forward to hearing from you entrants soon.

Buxton Fringe

Website: www.buxtonfringe.org.uk
Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe

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