Wednesday 12 June 2013

The magic of the screen...

Indulge me if you will and I promise just one blog on this subject - but I can now tell you what is being screened on July 6th at the Arts Centre Studio by Buxton Film. Buxton Film runs an annual short film competition - saucily called 'Open Shorts' - and a selection of the entries is shown as part of the Fringe. Judging had to be brutal this year to fit in with the 90 minute showtime and in the end just 7 films were selected.

The unanimous choice as winning entry is a film called Driftwood. This is what the reviewer wrote:
This a moving and powerful short film perfectly balancing the elements of a poor, violent and non-communicative background with the wonderful power of sport in helping overcome obstacles and break through restrictions in an environment where there appears to be little opportunity or inspiration. It starts by showing us a young man against the high-rise block of flats where he lives with his father – his face is unmoving, his eyes revealing nothing of what he feels inside, a barrier against emotion and the outside world. He could be just any other thuggish youth. This changes when we see him swimming at the pool – training for a competition. There are some beautifully shot scenes in the water and underwater showing the sheer physical power of movement through water. Unable to find expression in words or communicate in any meaningful way with the prevalent gang culture or his father, this is where he finds release and a goal. Alternating between scenes of potential violence and swimming, it is a gripping and memorable short film.

There was also recognition from the judges for a film made by young people. Bad Element is something of a Harry Potter spoof - with pretty horrifying special effects it has to be said. Made with wit and imagination Bad Element will be screened first at the awards event.

The other five films to be screened are:
The View From The Window is the work of a new, young filmmaking company and tells the story of a patient admitted to hospital with serious injuries who comes to rely on the voice of another patient to reveal the view...
From Little Acorns is a moving story from a Liverpool-based team. Apparently the whole project cost just £300 - not that you'd know it. It tells of the relationship between a young boy and an older man - and the positive lessons the boy learns. Young Louis Macdonald is a wonderfully natural presence on-screen.
Tigerish Waters is the work of Manchester graduate filmmakers using a story by an Irish writer. Filmed on the beaches of Donegal there is a mystical element to this story which has a series of strong visual images.
Keith Large has brought films to Buxton before. Keith draws on narrative, post-war British comedy traditions. His 5 minute The Crisp Strike is an engaging mix of ideas that begins with an industrial dispute on a building site.
Our final film is Shoe On The Other Foot - written and made by Prince Odunze. This is an intense narrative about a couple who struggle to cope when their roles are reversed.

Screening starts at 8pm on July 6th - and at £2 a ticket that has to be a fair deal, doesn't it?

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