Friday, 21 February 2025

All Change at Buxton Fringe

Buxton Fringe display at the Pump Room in 2024

So far 2025 has got off to a chilly start which makes it all the harder to visualise summer festival fun. But undaunted by wind, rain and ice, the Fringe Committee met up this month to review our progress so far. 

To date we have received over 30 entries spread across all 10 of our categories - which is level pegging with last year's entries at the same point in time, and we are hoping for a flurry more in the next week as we approach the deadline for our 'early bird' entry fee deal at the end of February.

This news was greeted with a mix of pleasure and relief. The committee had been anxious about the loss of well-loved and long standing managed venue the Green Man Gallery, which closed in December 2024. 

Coupled with earlier uncertainty about a definite home for Underground Venues, the committee was anticipating a smaller Fringe for 2025. 

Entries co-ordinator Pam was cautiously optimistic that entrants were branching out and exploring more of the 100+ venues on our register whilst Venues officer Sandra reported that Tom and Alice from Underground remain committed to bringing Underground back to Buxton again in 2025. Since the meeting, Underground has indeed confirmed that it will be taking up residence in Spring Gardens again and is open for entries.

The loss of the Green Man Gallery has wider implications than its managed venue status - it's where we store all our equipment, banners, bunting, programmes, flyers and our archive. Plus the Green Man always hosted our Springboard and Programme parties. We miss it greatly.

Thankfully the Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust has offered us the Pump Room's facilities for the parties, for which we are very grateful.  Meanwhile we are still seeking a permanent solution for our storage needs. So if you know of or are able to offer weatherproof storage for free/going cheap, we would love to hear from you - please contact Carole: 

There have also been a number of changes to the committee in 2025. Long-standing Chair Stephen Walker stepped down at November's AGM to "take a rest, and enjoy the Fringe as an ordinary person".  But Stephen is still a trustee and was back last night having been 'persuaded' to take on the roles of Reviews Coordinator and Archivist!

New Chair Ian Bowns - former Events Organiser, Entries Coordinator and sometimes Fringe performer, feared he was wearing too many hats (unlikely in Buxton in February!). Ian niftily passed Events to Rob Harrison (who later claimed he was scratching his nose, not putting his hand up) and Entries to Pam Mason former Distribution supremo. Luckily Catherine Serjeant was quick to pick up the Distribution baton. 

So after a very dizzying game of musical chairs, I think we are sorted for now. One positive outcome of all the swapping is that more people learn about all aspects of the Fringe, which helps to safeguard its future.

Key to this aim is attracting new volunteers and the committee was delighted to welcome two new people to our January meeting; they both came back in February too! 

If you are interested in joining us, you are welcome to come to our next meeting on Wed 12th March, 7.30pm, The Pump Room, The Crescent, Buxton where our friendly team will be happy to chat about all things Fringe. Or you can contact our Secretary, Carole, for more information at  

To find out about becoming a Fringe Friend click here.  

Or see Contact Us here

Buxton Fringe

Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe
Instagram: @buxtonfringe

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