Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Volunteering is rewarding with the Fringe

The beginning of a new year is a great time to take on new challenges and reflect on the last 12 months.

Back in April 2020 I wrote about joining the Fringe committee and, whilst enjoying the experience, not being sure about what role I could play to help support the team. Since then I've been involved in lots of things from delivering leaflets to ringing care homes, planting orange flowers, helping on the desk, writing blogs and reviewing performances.

But it was in November 2021 that things really changed for me.  November's Fringe AGM coincided with my 2-year anniversary of volunteering with the committee.

Best of all after 18 months of Zoom, the meeting was held in person at the Green Man Gallery. It was so exciting to meet performers, supporters, Fringe Friends and other committee members face to face and just to be able to chat.  In fact everyone was having such a good time that Chair Stephen had to call us to order more than once.

Then the serious business got going.  Stephen thanked all the performers who despite the lack of opportunities to rehearse brought such great acts to the Fringe this year. He thanked the Friends for their ongoing support and venues for keeping audiences and performers safe.

Then it was time to elect officers of the Fringe.  Stephen seemed slightly surprised that no one wanted to stand against him as Chair (no fear, we've all seen how much work it is). 

Somewhat to my surprise I found myself nominated as Secretary, taking over from the lovely Gaye. Thankfully Gaye is still going to run the Fringe Desk so I just have to take the notes at meetings, which sounds easy doesn't it? But then I found myself getting caught up in the discussions as I usually do and only remembering just in time to write down decisions and actions!

There's such a range of activities that you can get involved in and the committee are all so welcoming, I've been able to use my existing skills and more excitingly, developed new ones.

So I really didn't need to have worried about finding my niche and for the next 12 months at least that's going to be as Fringe Secretary.

If you're looking for a volunteering opportunity then don't hesitate get in touch; we'd love to meet you!

If you would like to find out more about getting involved with the Fringe or becoming a Friend click here  https://buxtonfringe.org.uk/volunteer.html 

Carole Garner