Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Picturing Fringe 2020!

What do you see when you think of next year’s Buxton Fringe?

How you picture it might hold the key to next year’s Fringe programme cover. Thanks so much to everyone who has entered so far. There are still a few days left until the deadline of Friday November 1st so why not have fun and email us your design? The Fringe banner on the side of the programme will be used again so all we need from you is a fabulously Fringey image. It could be intricate or it could be wildly abstract and it could be in any medium from paint to collage to photography. We have no preconceptions so this is your chance to give it your all. There is no age limit and there is a healthy £100 prize plus the opportunity for your design to be featured on our website whether or not it wins! You can see full details here.
We look forward to your entry and to keeping you in touch with all things Fringe as we plan for 2020!

Buxton Fringe

Website: www.buxtonfringe.org.uk
Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe