Wednesday 30 July 2014

The end of another great Fringe

Shakespeare's Jukebox collect their Street Theatre award

Keith has been so efficient at blogging during the Fringe that I haven’t felt the need to intrude. Well it’s all over now and in danger of feeling a little flat so perhaps it is time to round things off with a few words.

It was great to see so many performers and Fringe supporters at the Awards Ceremony on Sunday, a super occasion upstairs at The Old Clubhouse - the venue beautifully Fringeified with bunting and table decorations. While a few will have been disappointed not to receive awards, it was lovely to see the smiling faces of those acts such as Shakespeare's Jukebox (pictured above) who did come away with something. And there were tears of joy from some of the winners with the John Beecher Memorial Award in particular bringing up many emotions. The highly creative Off-Off-Off Broadway Company picked up this award, telling me later that John had been their dear friend and was an inspiration in everything that they do.

Over the coming weeks, certificates will be sent out and the website's gallery pages refreshed. Some of the photos are just fantastic and we should thank our volunteer photographers – Ian J Parkes, Donald Judge, James Bissett and the webmaster Dan Osborne (the latter performing various unwise acrobatics on top of the Fringe float to get the right shot). We are lacking video however so do get in touch if you can plug this gap by posting something on Youtube to which we can link.

The thank you game is a dangerous one as it sometimes seems that the whole town is in on the task of making the Fringe successful, but three cheers for Fringe chair Keith, a ubiquitous figure seeing around 45 shows as well as organising new venture Fringe at Five, and to the tireless Fringe desk managers and volunteers who helped paint the town orange.

See you all next year!

Buxton Fringe

Facebook: buxtonfringe
Twitter: @buxtonfringe

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